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Leafcutter in Action

You may know Leafcutter as CDR’s in-house tool that aggregates global security threat data on a searchable, digestible platform. But what does it look like to put Leafcutter into action?

Searching by tech platform, demographics of targets, locations, and more, our partners can not only discover trends in their threat landscape but visualize them to share with partners, develop better response strategies, and create internal reports.

This monthly highlights visual from our partners at SMEX, from earlier this year, highlights just how simple communicating threat data can be when that data is stored, sorted, and made searchable. SMEX utilized Leafcutter data to effectively convey the pattern of threat reports they received in the month of March 2023, highlighting a disproportionate amount of online attacks on women and journalists as well as painting a clear picture of the types of threats received.

With clear and confident visual communication made possible with Leafcutter data, our partners and community members can plan for future security threats and update their strategies as landscapes change.

Leafcutter is available to all CDR Link users as well as trusted members of our community. To learn more about Leafcutter, request a demo at [email protected].

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