CDR Logo

Building resilient systems to keep civil society safe

CDR logo

Our work protects and empowers activists to regain civic space.

Systems Change and Powerful Ecosystems

Operating with high-risk civil society in over 20 countries, CDR fosters regional hubs for community resilience by building sustainable and innovative tools, systems, and coalitions.

3 Pillar Approach

Digital Resilience Starts Here

Community Support

Community Support

We help partners provide their communities with long-term, individualized security support and access to rapid, effective incident response.

Data Analysis

Data Analysis

We collect, analyze, and share threat intelligence to stop and prevent digital attacks against civil society.

Open Source Technology

Open Source Technology

In partnership with Guardian Project, we develop and host secure, privacy-preserving tools designed to receive, respond to, analyze and share sensitive digital safety data.

Digital Security Project

Creating a safe space

Disinformation Project

Fighting for Truth

The Tech to Get You There



Waterbear helps you collect and curate information with your researchers to stop disinformation from spreading in your community.

CDR Link

CDR Link

CDR Link is a secure, flexible human rights helpdesk featuring messaging plugins for all popular platforms, enabling responders help communities seeking assistance.

Our Digital Security Network

Resiliency is built through a trustworthy network. We work with trusted partners within the Internet freedom and CiviCERT communities.

Guardian Project

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